Marree Project
The Marree project comprises three exploration licences EL 6913, EL 6914 and EL 6915 covering a combined area of 2,966 square kilometres of the Eromanga Basin located in the Marree region of South Australia.
The Marree project is situated approximately 70 kilometres northwest of the significantly radiogenic region of the Mount Painter Uranium Field host to the Mount Gee hard rock uranium deposit and sediment-hosted Tertiary palaeochannel uranium mineralisation of the Beverley/Four Mile Uranium Mines deposits (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Marree project regional geology of the prospective Eyre Formation, with uranium deposits and occurrences
The Marree project is considered highly prospective for roll-front, sedimentary and silcrete-hosted uranium mineralisation associated with Tertiary and Cretaceous-age palaeochannels.
- Prospective horizons for uranium mineralisation include Tertiary sediments of the Eocene Eyre Formation that occurs as widespread outcrop within the region (Figure 1), in places the prospective Miocene Namba Formation, both of which are known to host uranium mineralisation at Honeymoon and Beverley deposits.
- Prospective horizons for uranium mineralisation also include Cretaceous sediments of the Algebuckina Sandstone, Trinity Well Sandstone, and Coorikiana Sandstone are also potential host rocks to contain uranium and minimal exploration has occurred within this region, (Figure 2).
Uranium mineralisation locally occurs at the Lake Surprise Uranium Project operated by Adavale Resources (ASX: ADD) where uranium is located within braided channels of a palaeochannel system at Canegrass, Jubilee and Mookwarinna prospects. The Jubilee prospect contains uranium mineralisation within silicified sandstone units of the Eyre Formation, at shallow depths of ~25 metres within a palaeochannel feature.

Figure 2: Stratigraphic column for the Curnamona region and Eromanga Basin indicating positions of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits of the Frome Embayment and potential uranium source rocks, and potential hydrocarbon source rocks and reservoirs (Michaelsen, et al., 2016)

South Australia
South Australia
South Australia
South Australia
South Australia
Northern Territory
South Australia
Australia & Zambia
South Australia and NT